Lynn Valley Lions Recycle for Sight
Our mission is to provide recycled eye wear free of charge to people in developing countries.
Together with other Lions clubs around the world, we have have served 2,172,113 people served through eyeglass collection and recycling!
The Lynn Valley Lions has been running their local “Lions Recycle for Sight” program in Canada for approx. 12 years.
Lynn Valley has recycled approx. 3,000 pair of glasses in the past 3 years. Our team picks up approximately 1000 glasses a year from local optical shops.
Our team lead, Ken Perc picks up donated glasses at optical shops throughout the year. All of these glasses get boxed up and shipped to “CLERC” in Calgary. CLERC stands for Canadian s Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centre.
The mandate for CLERC is to create and foster a understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and International cooperation.
CLERC works with the Calgary Correctional Centre (CCC) to operate the “Eyeglass shop recycling program”. This unique program provides offenders with an opportunity to contribute in a meaningful way to the global community through the “Lions Eyeglass Recycling Program”.
The process once CLERC receives glasses donations from Lynn Valley Lions Clubs and other Lions clubs is as follows:
- The glasses are sent to the Calgary Correction Centre.
- All donated glasses are then cleaned, repaired, sanitized, and measured to determine the prescription.
- The glasses are then re-boxed based upon their prescriptions and returned to CLERC.
- Optometrists and those volunteers running vision clinics in third world countries request the glasses they need from CLERC. These individuals can “order ” glasses based on their needs . CLERC process the orders and and the glasses are delivered to the Third World Country locations where they are required..
- The Optometrists will then match the proper prescription with the person that needs the glasses.
This has been a hugely successful program for the Lions Club locally and globally. Our club has donated approximately 10,000 glasses over the last 10 years while CLERC has sent over 2 Million glasses to third world countries!
The Lynn Valley Lions Club thanks the following organizations for being eyeglass drop off locations for our program. We sincerely appreciate your efforts in participating in this program.
- North Shore Optical – 1950 Lonsdale, N. V.
- Da Vinci Optiical, – 1456 Lonsdale Ave, N. V.
- Hollyburn Eye Clinic – #101 – 252 West Esplanade, N.V.
- Image Optical – Park Road South Mall, W.V.
- Super Store, Optical Dept. 333 Seymour Blvd, N. V.
- Image Optical – 2534 E. Hastings St,
- Look Optical – 1529 Marine Drive, W.V.
- West Van Optometry – 1069 – 24th Street
Together with these organizations, we are able to recycle glasses that would otherwise be thrown away and instead provide vision to millions around the world!
Helping Others in Need
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They Lynn Valley Clubs loves their community and we believe in making a difference through many of our initiatives including scholarships, bursaries, Community Gardens, Community Housing, Local Crisis Relief, our vision program and so much more!